Fatigue certified on shore wind tower precision grout
SikaGrout®-3200 is a 1-part, cementitious, fast hardening free flowing grout which is shrinkage compensated and achieves high early and final strengths. Specifically designed for onshore steel wind tower structural filling of joints and under grouting base plates.
- Fast early strength development
- High final strength
- Fluid consistency
- Can be pumped
- Shrinkage compensated
- Application thickness 10 to 200 mm
- High adhesion to concrete

High performance precision grouting of horizontal joints for onshore steel and precast concrete wind towers.Advantages
- Fast early strength development
- High final strength
- Fluid consistency
- Can be pumped
- Shrinkage compensated
- Application thickness 10 to 200 mm
- High adhesion to concrete
25 kg and 500 kg bags. Larger bags available upon request.
Grey powder
Product Details
- CE Marking and Declaration of Performance to EN 1504-6 - Anchoring of reinforcing steel bar
- Fatigue Resistance SikaGrout®-3200, Applus, Certificate No. 17/32301620-S
- Consistency and Workability Time, Segregation and Expansion DAfStb, SikaGrout®-3200, MPA Hannover, Test report No. 164952
Chemical Base
Special cement, selected aggregates and additives
Shelf Life
9 months from date of production
Storage Conditions
Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C. Always refer to packaging.
Maximum Grain Size
Dmax: ~3 mm
Product Declaration
EN 1504-6: Anchoring of reinforcing steel bar
Compressive Strength
1 day | 2 days | 7 days | 28 days |
~60 MPa | ~70 MPa | ~80 MPa | ~90 MPa |
Equivalent to C70/85 concrete class | (EN 206-1) |
Modulus of Elasticity in Compression
~38 GPa | (EN 13412) |
Flexural Strength
1 day | 28 days |
~5 MPa | ~10 MPa |
Tensile Adhesion Strength
> 2.0 MPa | (EN 1542) |
> 0,1 % after 24 hours
Max 2 %
Mixing Ratio
9 % to 12 %
2.25 to 3.0 litres of water for 25 kg of powder or 45 to 60 litres of water for 500 kg of powder
Fresh Mortar Density
~2.3 kg/l
Layer Thickness
10 mm min. / 200 mm max.
Ambient Air Temperature
+5 °C min. / +35 °C max.
Substrate Temperature
+5 °C min. / +35 °C max.
Pot Life
~60 minutes at 20 °C
25 kg of powder yields approximately 12 litres of mortar
Drill and Spiral Mixer
Pour the correct amount of water into a suitable clean mixing container. While stirring slowly with drill and spiral mixer ( 200–500 rpm), add the complete bag of powder into the water. Mix continuously for 3 minutes to achieve a uniform and lump free smooth consistency. Do not add more water than the maximum specified.
Grout mixer
SikaGrout®-3200 must be mixed using suitable grout mixing equipment combined with agitator for continuous large volume mixing. Volume capacity of equipment should be applicable to the volume of material being mixed for a continuous operation. Equipment trials should be considered to ensure product can be mixed satisfactory.
Pour the minimum water ratio in the correct proportion into the grout mixer. While stirring the water, slowly add the powder to the water. Add more water within the mixing time up to the maximum allowed until the desired consistency is achieved.
Mix continuously for a minimum of 3 minutes. For larger mixes the mixing time must be extended to approximately 5 minutes or as necessary until the grout achieves a lump free smooth consistency. Do not add more water than the maximum specified.
Reference must be made to further documentation where applicable, such as relevant method statement, application manual and installation or working instructions.
The prepared concrete substrate must be thoroughly saturated with clean water for a recommended 12 hours before application of the grout. The surface must not be allowed to dry within this time. Prior to application of the grout, all water must be removed from within formwork, cavities or pockets and the final surface must achieve a dark matt appearance (saturated surface dry) without glistening.
Apply the material shortly after mixing to take advantage of the expansion properties. Immediately after mixing for manual application, pour the mixed grout into the header box or hopper ensuring continuous grout flow during the complete grouting operation to avoid trapping air.
For large volume placement, grout pumps are recommended. Equipment trials should be considered to ensure product can be pumped satisfactory.
Surface finishing
Finish exposed grout surfaces to the required surface texture as soon as the grout has started to stiffen. Do not add additional water on the surface. Do not over work surface as this may cause surface discolouration and cracking. After the grout has initially hardened, remove formwork and trim edges while concrete is ‘green’.
Cold weather working
Consider storing bags in a warm environment and using warm water to assist with achieving strength gain and maintaining physical properties.
Hot weather working
Consider storing bags in a cool environment and using cold water to assist with controlling the exothermic reaction to reduce cracking and maintaining physical properties.
Protect exposed grout surfaces after finishing from premature drying and cracking using an appropriate wet cure method for a mimimum 72 hours e.g. moist geo-textile membrane, hessian, polythene sheet etc. In cold weather apply insulated blankets to maintain a constant temperature to prevent surface damage from freezing and frost.
Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use. Hardened material can only be mechanically removed.