
Application / Topic

Adhesive Below-Grade Waterproofing Building Envelope Chemical Anchoring Clean Area Coating Concrete Concrete Admixture or Additive Concrete Protection Concrete Repair Construction Adhesive Corrosion Protection Decorative Floor EN 1504 Principles Engineered Repair Epoxy Floor Expansion Foam Exterior Facade Floor Coating Flooring Green Roof Grout Industrial Coating Industrial Flooring Industry Injection Interior Joint Sealing Joint Waterproofing Liquid Applied Membrane Mortar New Build Passive Fire Protection Polyurethane Floor Precast Concrete Protective Coating Refurbishment Repair Resin-cementitious Floor Resin Floor Roofing Sealant Shotcrete Structural Strengthening Tiling Wall Coating Waterproofing Waterproofing Membrane Watertight Concrete Weathersealing

Sika Product Family/Brand

Emseal Nailbond® Pulastic® Sarnafil® Sika AnchorFix® SikaBond® Sika Boom® Sika CarboDur® SikaCeram® Sikadur® Sikadur Combiflex® Sika® FerroGard® Sikaflex® Sikafloor® SikaGrout® Sikalastic® Sika MonoTop® SikaPlast® SikaProof® SikaRoof® Sika® ViscoCrete® Sika Waterbar® SikaWrap®
Basement to Roof Building Elevation
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Basement to Roof Building Elevation
Waterproofing critical areas of construction with compatible Sika and Index products
Basement to Roof Building Elevation
Brochure PDF - 3 MB (en)
Basement to Roof Building Elevation
Compatible waterproofing systems sorted - from basement to roof
Bridge Damage and Deterioration - Root Causes
Brochure PDF - 321 KB (en)
Bridge Damage and Deterioration - Root Causes
Building elevation showing the main root causes and areas of bridge damage and deterioration
Brochure · Sika Solutions for Concrete Basements
Brochure PDF - 2 MB (en)
Brochure · Sika Solutions for Concrete Basements
Basements and below ground civil engineering structures protected with Sika waterproofing solutions have increased living comfort and wider possibilities for use, plus the total cost of ownership is reduced and increase the durability increased for the entire service life of the project.Our fully integrated and compatible system solutions are sustainably produced and well proven in practice for many decades all over the world, plus they are fully tested and certified to all leading national and international standards. This gives owners and their project specifiers and contractors the security of clearly defined performance characteristics for all of Sika’s waterproofing solutions to be used for their specific requirements.
Critical Areas of Waterproofing - how to avoid swampy ground when waterproofing
Brochure PDF - 2 MB (en)
Critical Areas of Waterproofing - how to avoid swampy ground when waterproofing
How to avoid waterproofing issues - know the critical conenction joints
Foam - the Facts on Sika Boom
Brochure PDF - 2 MB (en)
Foam - the Facts on Sika Boom
The facts about expanding foams - their properties, uses, and the Sika Boom product Range
Improved Sika MonoTop Systems - Brochure
Brochure PDF - 3 MB (en)
Improved Sika MonoTop Systems - Brochure
Concrete restoration and repair using Sika MonoTop concrete repair systems