Sika® Air Mix L/S

Air entraining admixture for concrete

Sika® Air Mix L/S has been designed and formulated to deliberately introduce air into concrete in the form of evenly sized and uniformly distributed micro bubbles.

Sika Air Mix LS provides the following beneficial effects to concrete:
  • Air entrainment considerably reduces the effect of freeze/thaw cycles caused by frost.
  • Improved durability of concrete exposed to tidal movements.
  • Improves the workability and reduces bleeding of mixes with harsh sands and aggregates.
  • Can be used to reduce mixing water without reducing workability and handling properties.
  • Easier and quicker mixing of concrete in agitator trucks.
  • Concrete in transit and placement is more cohesive and will segregate less.
  • Concrete becomes easier to place, resulting in less vibration and work effort to achieve proper compaction.