(former NaX® Q130)
One component, ultra-high early and final strength, shrinkage compensated, cementitious grout for onshore wind turbine installations
SikaGrout®-9130 is a shrinkage-compensated, cement-based grout for onshore wind turbine installations that, when mixed with water, forms a flowable, cohesive, and impermeable grout with rapid high compressive strength. Featuring advanced nano-engineered binder technology, this grout blends Portland and special cements to deliver exceptional structural performance. Offering excellent flowability, SikaGrout®-9130 is suitable for narrow constrictions such as grout trenches for onshore wind turbines.
- Ultra-high compressive strength: above highest class of EN206, i.e. > C100/115
- Ultra-high modulus for exceptional stiffening properties
- Excellent fatigue resistance
- Quick return to service and removal of temporary supports due to high early strength build-up ≥ 70 MPa @ 24hrs at 20°C
- No segregation or bleeding to ensure consistent final physical performance and to prevent pump blockages.
- Can be pumped into complex areas or areas inaccessible to conventional grouting methods.
- Ultra-high Young’s modulus for exceptional stiffness
- Shrinkage compensated
- Good flowability