SikaWrap® Hex-103 C
Carbon fiber fabric for structural strengthening
SikaWrap® Hex-103 C is a high strength, unidirectional carbon fiber fabric pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) used to strengthen structural concrete elements.
- Used for shear, confinement or flexural strengthening
- Flexible, can be wrapped around complex geometries
- High Strength
- Light Weight
- Non-corrosive
- Alkali Resistant
- Low aesthetic impact

SikaWrap® Hex-103 C can only be installed by a Sika New Zealand Approved Contractor. Load Increases- Increased live loads
- Increased traffic volumes on bridges
- Installation of heavy machinery in industrial buildings
- Vibrating structures
- Changes of building utilization
- Column wrapping
- Masonry walls
- Aging of construction materials
- Vehicle impact
- Fire
- Blast resistance
- Removal of walls or columns
- Removal of slab sections for openings
- Insufficient reinforcements
- Insufficient structural depth
- Used for shear, confinement or flexural strengthening
- Flexible, can be wrapped around complex geometries
- High Strength
- Light Weight
- Non-corrosive
- Alkali Resistant
- Low aesthetic impact
Rolls: 0.635 x 91.4 m
Product Details
- Approved by ICC ESR-3288
- IBC 2015 Compliance
Fibre Type
0° (unidirectional)
Shelf Life
10 years in original packaging
Storage Conditions
Store dry at +4°C to +35°C
Dry Fibre Thickness
0.34 mm
Area Density
611 g/m2
Dry Fibre Tensile Strength
3,793 MPa
Dry Fibre Modulus of Elasticity in Tension
234.5 GPa
Dry Fibre Elongation at Break
Laminate Nominal Thickness
1.0 mm
Laminate Tensile Strength
Average Ultimate Value | Design Value |
1,248 MPa | (f*fu) 1,110 MPa* |
* Average ultimate value minus 3 standard deviations
Average Ultimate Value | Design Value |
- | 6.4 kips/in./ply |
Laminate Modulus of Elasticity in Tension
Average Ultimate Value | Design Value |
- | (ET) 71.7 GPa |
* Average ultimate value minus 3 standard deviations
Laminate Elongation at Break in Tension
Tensile Stiffness
Average Ultimate Value | Design Value |
- | (Ef*A) 416 kips/in. width |
* Average ultimate value minus 3 standard deviations
Surface must be clean and sound. It may be dry or damp, but free of standing water and frost. Remove dust, laitance, grease, curing compounds, impregnations, waxes, foreign particles, disintegrated materials and other bond inhibiting materials from the surface. Consult the current product data sheets for Sikadur® Hex-300 for additional information on surface preparation.
Existing uneven surfaces must be filled with an appropriate repair mortar. The adhesive strength of the concrete must be verified after surface preparation by random pull-off test- ing (ASTM D-4541) at the discretion of the engineer. Minimum tensile strength 1.4 MPa with concrete substrate failure.
Preparation Work: Concrete - Blast clean, shotblast or use other approved mechanical means to provide a roughened, open-textured surface. Round all corners to 1/2” radius in certain “contact critical” applications and at the engineers discretion, a thorough cleaning of the substrate using low pressure sand or water blasting may be sufficient.