Sika® Eco Systems Eco Prime WB
A synthetic latex based primer for porous surfaces.
Sika® Eco Systems Eco Prime WB is a synthetic, latex based liquid which is recommended for priming a range of porous substrates prior to the use of Sika self levelling compounds, CTA adhesives and Aqua Blok water based waterproofing membranes. Sika® Eco Systems Eco Prime WB will reduce porosity of plasterboard, fibrous cement sheeting, cement render and porous susbstrates.
Sika® Eco Systems Eco Prime WB is an easy to use pre-mixed water based primer that will reduce porosity of plasterboard, fibrous cement sheeting, cement render and porous concrete as well as various other porous substrates.
• Fast Drying
• Premixed
• Low VOC
• Low odour
• Water washable
• Easy to use
• Suitable primer for Scyon Board