2-part Low VOC Epoxy Adhesive for Structural Bonding and Concrete Repair
Sikadur®-31+ is a 2-part, low VOC epoxy based, moisture tolerant, thixotropic, structural adhesive which bonds most construction materials. It has high mechanical strengths and can also be used for structural concrete repairs, joint filling and crack sealing. Sikadur®-31+ can be used in do it yourself (DIY) applications, in addition to the traditional professional applications.
- Easy to mix and apply
- Very low VOC (GEV Emicode EC1PLUS)
- Very good adhesion to most construction materials
- High initial and ultimate mechanical strength
- Suitable for structural concrete repair, class R4
- Good adhesion to dry and mat damp concrete
- Thixotropic: non-sag in vertical and overhead applications
- No primer needed
- Good abrasion and chemical resistance
- Different coloured components (for mixing control)
- Impermeable to most liquids and water vapour
- Hardens without shrinkage
- Application up to 30 mm thickness in one layer
- Temperature application range +10 °C to +30 °C
Suitable for structural concrete repair (Principle 3, Method 3.1 of EN 1504-9). Repair of spalling and damaged concrete in buildings, bridges, infrastructure and superstructure works. Suitable for structural strengthening (Principle 4, Method 4.3 of EN 1504-9). Bonding plate reinforcement Suitable for structural strengthening (Principle 4, Method 4.4 of EN 1504-9). Adding mortar The Product can be used for interior and exterior use. STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE FOR BONDING:- Concrete elements
- Hard natural stone
- Ceramics, fibre cement
- Mortar, Bricks, Masonry
- Steel, Iron, Aluminium
- Wood
- Polyester, Epoxy
- Glass
- Structural (beams, columns, walls, etc...) and non-structural concrete elements
- Small patches and edges
- Honeycombs
- Metal profiles
- Bonding slip bricks
- Joint and crack arris
- Sealing non-structural static cracks
- Holes and voids
- Easy to mix and apply
- Very low VOC (GEV Emicode EC1PLUS)
- Very good adhesion to most construction materials
- High initial and ultimate mechanical strength
- Suitable for structural concrete repair, class R4
- Good adhesion to dry and mat damp concrete
- Thixotropic: non-sag in vertical and overhead applications
- No primer needed
- Good abrasion and chemical resistance
- Different coloured components (for mixing control)
- Impermeable to most liquids and water vapour
- Hardens without shrinkage
- Application up to 30 mm thickness in one layer
- Temperature application range +10 °C to +30 °C
1.2 kg (A+B) container
Part A | White |
Part B | Dark grey |
Part A+B mixed | Concrete grey |
Product Details
Conforms with LEED v4 MR credit: Building product disclosure and optimization — Environmental Product Declarations (option 1)
Conforms with LEED v4 MR credit: Building product disclosure and optimization — Material ingredients (option 2)
Conforms with LEED v4 EQ credit: Low-emitting materials
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in accordance with EN 15804. EPD independently verified by Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU)
VOC emission classification GEV Emicode EC1plus
CE marking and declaration of performance based on EN 1504-3:2005 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures — Structural and non-structural repair
CE marking and declaration of performance based on EN 1504-4:2004 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures — Structural bonding
Product Declaration
Complies with the general requirements of EN 1504-3: Class R4
Complies with the general requirements of EN 1504-4: Structural bonding for bonded plate reinforcement and bonded mortar or concrete
Chemical Base
Epoxy resin and selected fillers
Shelf Life
24 months from date of production
Storage Conditions
The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C.
Always refer to packaging.
Mixed resin (2.00 ± 0.1) kg/l
Density value at +23 °C.
Volatile organic compound (VOC) content
Compliant with VOC emission classification GEV-Emicode EC1PLUS
Compressive Strength
Class R4 | (EN 1504-3) |
~75 MPa | (EN 12190) |
Curing time | +10 °C | +23 °C | +30 °C |
1 day | - | 50 MPa | 50 MPa |
3 days | 50 MPa | 65 MPa | 70 MPa |
7 days | 70 MPa | 75 MPa | 78 MPa |
Tensile Strength
Curing time | +10 °C | +23 °C |
1 day | - | 8.5 MPa |
3 days | 6 MPa | 16 MPa |
7 days | 16 MPa | 20 MPa |
Shear Strength
16 MPa | (EN 12615) |
50° | 35 MPa |
60° | 30 MPa |
70° | 25 MPa |
Tensile Adhesion Strength
Pass | (EN 12636) |
Curing Time | Substrate | Curing Temperature | Adhesion strength |
7 days | Concrete dry | +23 °C | > 5 MPa * |
7 days | Concrete mat damp | +23 °C | > 5 MPa * |
7 days | Steel | +23 °C | > 20 MPa |
* 100% concrete failure
Shear Adhesion
50° | ≥ 60 MPa |
60° | ≥ 70 MPa |
70° | ≥ 80 MPa |
~0.01 % | (EN 12617-1) |
3.0 MPa (Restrained shrinkage / expansion) | (EN 12617-4) |
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
4.8 × 10-5 (± 0.2 × 10-5) 1/K | (EN 1770) |
Glass Transition Temperature
50 °C | (EN 12614) |
Thermal Compatibility
Freeze and thaw | 3.00 MPa |
Durability | Pass |
Chemical Resistance
Resistant to many chemicals. Contact Sika Technical Services for additional information.
Resistance to moisture
Sensitivity to water | Pass |
Reaction to Fire
Class C-s1, d0 Class Bfl-s1 | (EN 13501-1) |
Mixing Ratio
Part A : Part B = 2 : 1 by weight or volume
Layer Thickness
30 mm max.
For non-structural adhesive or other applications, if layer thickness’s of > 30 mm are required, apply in successive 30 mm layers or once the previous layer has hardened. The surface of the freshly applied intermediate layers should be scratched to form a key for subsequent layers. If layer application is to be longer than 2 days, the wet applied adhesive must be blinded to excess with quartz sand immediately after application
Sag Flow
Non-sag up to 20 mm thickness on vertical surfaces | (EN 1799) |
Product Temperature
Maximum | +30 °C |
Minimum | +10 °C |
Ambient Air Temperature
Maximum | +30 °C |
Minimum | +10 °C |
Dew Point
Beware of condensation.
Steel substrate temperature during application must be at least +3 °C above dew point.
Substrate Temperature
Maximum | +30 °C |
Minimum | +10 °C |
Substrate Moisture Content
Substrates must be dry or matt damp (no standing water).
Brush the adhesive well into the substrate if matt damp.
Pot Life
Temperature | Pot Life |
+23 °C | ~60 min |
+30 °C | ~45 min |
Open Time
Temperature | Open Time |
+23 °C | ~75 min |
+30 °C | ~45 min |
2.0 kg/m2 per mm of thickness.
Note: Consumption data is theoretical and does not allow for any additional material due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level, wastage or any other variations. Apply product to a test area to calculate the exact consumption for the specific substrate conditions and proposed application equipment.
Concrete and mortar must be at least 3–6 weeks old.
Substrate surfaces must be sound, clean, dry or matt damp. Free from standing water, ice, dirt, oil, grease, coatings, laitance, efflorescence, old surface treatments, all loose particles and any other surface contaminants that could affect adhesion of the adhesive.
Surfaces must be clean, dry, free from oil, grease, coatings, rust, scale, all loose particles and any other surface contaminants that could affect adhesion of the adhesive.
Substrate surfaces must be sound, clean, dry and free from dirt, oil, grease, coatings, all loose particles and any other surface contaminants that could affect adhesion of the adhesive.
Reduced adhesion performance
Surface contamination such as dust and loose material, including that caused during substrate preparation can reduce the Product's performance.
- Thoroughly clean all substrate surfaces before application of the Product by vacuum / dust removalequipment.
- Prepare substrates mechanically using suitable abrasive blast cleaning, needle gunning, light scabbling, bush hammering, grinding or using other suitable equipment to achieve an open textured gripping surface profile.
- Prepare surfaces mechanically using suitable abrasive blast cleaning, grinding, rotating wire brush or other suitable equipment to achieve a bright metal finish with a surface profile to satisfy the necessary tensile adhesion strength requirement.
Avoid dew point conditions before and during application.
- Prepare surfaces by planing, sanding or using other suitable equipment.
Maintaining workability and handling time.
When using multiple units during application, do not mix the following unit until the previous one has been used.
- Mix only the quantity which can be used within its pot life
- Prior to mixing all parts, mix part A (resin) briefly using a mixing spindle attached to a slow speed electric mixer (max. 300 rpm).
- Add part B (hardener) to part A and mix parts A+B continuously for at least 3 minutes until a uniformly coloured smooth consistency mix has been achieved.
- To ensure thorough mixing pour materials into a clean container and mix again for approximately 1 minute. Over mixing must be avoided to minimise air entrainment. Mix full units only. Mixing time for A+B = 4.0 minutes.
Provide temporary support for heavy components positioned vertically or overhead
- Apply mixed adhesive to the prepared surfaces with a spatula, trowel, notched trowel or by gloved hand.
- For optimum adhesion apply adhesive to both surfaces that require bonding.
- For heavy components positioned vertically or overhead, provide temporary support until the Product has fully hardened /cured. Hardening and curing will be dependent on ambient temperatures.
- Apply mixed adhesive to the prepared surfaces with a spatula, trowel or by gloved hand.
- Use temporary formwork as required.
- Apply mixed adhesive to the prepared surfaces with a spatula or trowel.
Clean all tools and application equipment immediately after use with Sika® Colma Cleaner. Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.