With the SikaTack® Panel System unsightly screws or rivets for fixing the opaque panels are no longer necessary. The panel can fully develop its original beauty and contribute to an even and smooth design.

SikaTack® Panel System the Elegance in Wall Cladding

Good architecture is the key element for an aesthetically beautiful building that also includes modern living comfort, demand on energy saving and finally a sustainable investment.

The facade should be the defining element of a well designed building. Ventilated facades offer all of the above requirements. And with SikaTack® Panel System it comes to the perfection. SikaTack® Panel Adhe­sive System is suitable for the fixing of compo­sites, ceramic, high pressure lami­nate, cement based cladding panels as well as many metal and powder coated sub­strates. This ingenious and simple system offers both the designer and installer alike many advantages over comparable mechanical secret fixing systems.

SikaTack panel reference

For both new build and refurbishment, there are many benefits related to the SikaTack® Panel system

  • Aesthetically pleasing – no screws or rivets are visible
  • Elastic bonding – uniform tension over the whole panel and therefore no deflection of panels
  • Approval by German Building Authority DIBt, ASTM and ETA
  • Over 20 years experience and global references
  • SikaTack® Panel System has up to 40% less cost in comparison to hidden mechanical fixation.

Elastic Bonding Preferred to Mechanical Fixations

Sikatack  panel System

Experience Since 1990

Sika was first who recognized the many benefits of elastic bonding compared to mechanical fixation for facades panels. Back in 1990, the first facades were made with elastic bonded panels.

The advantages of the elastic bonding were obvious and therefore the system found rapidly its customers, first throughout Europe and now all over the world. The SikaTack® Panel System, which was developed back then has lost none of its simplicity and safety in use, to present day.

"The long, successful history and the many references are what makes the SikaTack Panel System unique"

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